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Legacy of Our Veterans' Military Exposures  Justice - social, environmental, human 
Protecting our veterans' childrenâ„¢
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Mission Statement

 Susan Schulz

Australian Founder

Susan was born in 1967 and soon after birth was adopted in secrecy.


Being born with a genetic condition named Hypogammaglobulinmeia and antibody deficiency plus other serious medical issues Susan a sickly child struggled for most of her childhood with numerous infections that threatened to take her life, given there was no medical background available Doctors found it difficult to diagnose and treat her.


After 25 years of identity crisis, Susan finally met her Birth Father a Vietnam Veteran named Wayne. E. Scott. Not long after returning home to Australia from Vietnam Wayne had married, settled down and raised 3 sons.  Wayne became chronically ill with heart failure enduring his first heart attack not long after his return from Vietnam. The fight continued back home as he fought for recognition and for his life.


Wayne and Susan spent three beautiful months together from the time of their reunion till Wayne passed.


Wayne along with other Vietnam Veterans had been fighting the Government for recognition of the physical and mental effects from chemical exposure during his and others’ service and believed the illness he suffered was directly attributed to the dioxin he and others were exposed to. Upon Wayne’s death, Susan wished to fill the large boots left behind and keep the momentum, pushing the Government, writing letter after letter, joining with other groups and individuals from across Australia in the fight for recognition.


Susan wishes to be an advocate for the Children and Grandchildren of not only Vietnam Veterans, but of all Veterans’ Children and Grandchildren within Australia. Susan goal is to eventually see a not for profit advocacy and resource organisation established as a point of contact for all Veterans Children and Grandchildren, a place where children can come forth and seek refuge. There are so many children effected physically and mentally who are fighting alone, and although it is not yet proven, within the veteran community it is strongly believed the suffering is due to a parents wartime service and exposure to chemicals.


Susan say's "Let’s keep the legacy alive and help one another".

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